First, Hudson. He officially has given up his bobo and to our amazement it only took him 2 days to stop asking for it! He is also doing very good with going on the potty! He got to go to Chuck E. Cheese yesterday to celebrate his success. He is growing so fast and we love watching all the new things he does. Right now he is in to making up songs about everything, it is so cute!
The next part of our life update doesn't bring as much joy. Javier is going to be laid off again in November with no chance of being hired back this time. The state budget cuts are making it so 8-10 guys that he works with will be losing their jobs. I am sad for Javier because he loved this job so much. He has started looking for other jobs already but there just aren't a lot out there right now.
We would appreciate prayers as we go through this hard time- we know that God will provide, right now I am just praying for him to provide one day at a time. We know that he has a plan for us, we will just wait to see what that is.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
"I Want My BoBo"
Yesterday we took away Hudson's "BoBo", for those of you that don't know that is his pacifier. He is VERY attached to his bobo so we didn't think this was going to be an easy task. We decided the best way to do it would be to go cold turkey so yesterday morning when he woke up he left bobo in his bed and didn't get it back again. He used to just get bobo in the car and at nap and bedtime so our ride to daycare Wednesday morning was a long one. He cried half way there and wanted me to hold his hand. He just kept saying over and over "I want my BoBo" He then cried for about an hour and a half last night when we got home before dinner. Amazingly enough he didn't cry when he went to bed and today has been a pretty good day! He has only asked for bobo a few times and went to bed tonight and didn't make a peep! So, we have made it through day two and we are waiting to see how day 3 goes! Who knew a "bobo" could be so addictive? I guess anything that is comforting to you is hard to give up. Stay tuned for the next "bobo" update!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Potty Training
This week we have really started working hard on the potty training. Hudson could really take it or leave it but he gets really excited when he does go on the potty. Last night I took him in to try to go potty one more time before bed and he grabs his potty book right away and "reads" it while he sits and waits to go pee pee. Last night he went #1 and #2! He was so excited that he couldn't wait to get down so he could call his daddy and tell him he went poo poo on the potty. Javier has promised him that if he keeps up the good work he will take him to Chuckie Cheese, so every time we are on the way to the potty he says, "I go Chuckie Cheeses." Hey, whatever it takes to get him excited about going on the potty! I guess the Handy Manny big boy underwear isn't incentive enough. :)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Our First Family Vacation
We just returned from our first family vacation to CO for 5 days! We took Hudson to the mountains and to visit some friends! We did fly which Hudson was quite excited about-as he said "we fly in the plane up in the sky" Here is a pic of him watchin tv with his headphones!

We got to meet our friends daugter Faith while we were there also! It was so great to finally meet her. She and Hudson made quick friends. Thanks for all of your hospitality Brian and Jen. Love you guys!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Well- today Hudson started the ever so famous "Why?" phase, which leaves me trying to figure out a lot of "because" answers! He is getting so big, I can't believe it. Today he started asking "why" to everything I said. I have to admit- it is already driving me a little crazy and it just started! It may be driving me crazy but it makes me smile more! My curious little boy! You gotta love it!
Friday, July 3, 2009
4th of July Weekend
Well, today is Friday but we will be having our 4th festivities tonight. Jav will be home around six from work and we are going to grill out and do sparklers with Hudson! We thought we might make some smores in the fire pit too! I will post pics later. Last weekend we did sparklers with my brothers family and Hudson loved it so I am excited to do them again! Happy 4th everyone!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hudson's Photo Session with "Aunt" Heather
My dear friend Heather who is Hudson's "Aunt" took some awesome pictures of Hudson a couple of weeks ago. Check out her blog which you can click on in our blog to see a sneak peak of Hudson's pics. Check out her other photography too, she is awesome! She has a true gift!
Some Pictures to Share
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Mommy and Hudson Day!
Saturdays are for mommy and Hudson to spend together because Daddy works. Usually we just have lazy days, especially when it is raining like today. Today we got Daddy off to work and then took a nap! (Hudson and Mommy) Then we went grocery shopping which Hudson always likes to do. He did get to choose a new video to take home and watch. He chose Dora-"Baseball Boots" He was so hilarious watching this, he got Jav's baseball bat that goes to the Wii and was playing right along with Dora and Boots. He loves sports, I think he is going to be our little athlete! He of course had to have his baseball cap on while playing!
Everyday Hudson says more and more words and constantly amazes me with the things he knows. He is getting so big. I'm trying to cherish every day. So even though we miss Daddy on Saturday- I have to say I do like our Mommy and Hudson Day!
Everyday Hudson says more and more words and constantly amazes me with the things he knows. He is getting so big. I'm trying to cherish every day. So even though we miss Daddy on Saturday- I have to say I do like our Mommy and Hudson Day!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Our niece had brain surgery on Monday to remove a tumor that they found about a week ago. She is doing great, she is a real trouper. Today she got her breathing tube removed and her Mom and Dad are anxiously awaiting to hear her little voice. Her MRI showed that everything was clear from tumors, which tells us they got the whole tumor from her brain. Praise God! He is so faithful. Please join us in praying for Ellie's continued healing and also for strength for her parents as they go through this. It is going to be a long road, but I know they will get through it and be an awesome testimony. If you want to know more about Ellie, check out the link on our site called The Smiley's. We love you Ellie! See you soon!
Long Time No Post
I have been inspired to get this blog going again after my sister-in-law has started doing updates on her daughter that just had surgery on her families blog. I think it is a great way for people to keep updated on your life. I hope I can keep it up! Since I haven't posted anything since Hudson was 2 months old you will be surprised to see how much he has grown! Hopefully it won't be another two years until I write again.
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